

Privacy policy

Last modified date: July 26, 2024



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Privacy policy

Last modified date: July 26, 2024

About this Policy

This policy ("Data and Privacy Policy”) covers how Prism Pay Pty Ltd ACN 167545600, (collectively "we", “us”, “our”), handles personal information about individuals ("you” or “your”). Please see our Terms of Use for a list of our services (“Services”, “Prism”).

By providing your personal information to Prism, you consent to Prism handling your personal information in accordance with this Data and Privacy Policy and any other arrangements that apply between you and us, including without limitation the above mentioned Terms of Use.

In this Data and Privacy Policy personal information means: (a) information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether the information or opinion is true or not or whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not and/or; (b) as set out in clause 1 of this Data and Privacy Policy (“Personal Information”).

Collecting and using your Personal Information is a necessary part of operating a digital platform and the Services. We aim to do this as responsibly and transparently as possible, and to make our Data and Privacy Policy as simple to understand as possible.

This Data and Privacy Policy describes the information that we collect to support Prism, and your use of Prism as well as other products and features offered by Prism, and the way we use and protect your Personal Information.

By providing us with Personal Information you consent to our collection and handling of your Personal Information as described in this Data and Privacy Policy.

1. What kinds of information do we collect?

To provide the Services, we must handle Personal Information about you. The type of Personal Information that we collect depends on how you use Prism.

The types of Personal Information we collect from you include:

  1. 1. Information and content you provide. 
    We collect the content, communications, transactions and other information you provide, create, upload, save or generate when you use Prism or engage or do business with us, including your name, username, address, residential address, billing, financial and payment details, time zone and screen location, photographs, date of birth, preferences and contact details (including phone number and email). This can also include information in or about the content that you provide (e.g. metadata), such as the location of a photo or the date a file was created. This also includes the information you provide us about yourself and third parties when you engage or do business with us, including employees, talent, contracting parties, customers and suppliers. 
  2. 2. Your usage. 
    We collect information about how you use the Services, such as the types of content that you view or engage with, the features you use, the actions you take, the pages you interact with, and the time, frequency, location and duration of your activities. 
  3. 3. Information about transactions made with Prism. 
    If you use the Services for purchases or other financial transactions, we collect information about the purchase or transaction. For purchases or payments transacted on Prism, Prism uses a tokenised payment system which means we will not store payment information such as your credit or debit card number. From time to time, we may collect other authentication information, and billing, delivery and contact details. 
  4. 4. Things others do and information they provide about you. 
    We receive and analyse content, communications, and information that other Users or people provide when they use Prism or engage or do business with us. This can include information about you and your contact information.
2. Device information
We collect information from and about the devices you use to access and integrate with the Services, and we combine this information across different devices you use. For example, we use information collected about your use of the Services on your phone or laptop to better personalise the content (including ads) or features that you see when you use the Services on another device, such as a second phone or tablet, or to measure whether you took an action in response to an ad that we showed you on your phone. Information we obtain from these devices includes:
  1. 1. Device attributes:
    Information such as the operating system, hardware and software versions, battery level, signal strength, available storage space, browser type, app and file names and types, and plugins.
  2. 2. Device operations:
    Information about operations and behaviours performed on the device or tracking movements (which can help distinguish humans from bots).
  3. 3. Identifiers:
    Unique identifiers, device IDs and other identifiers, such as from games, apps or accounts that you use, and family device IDs.
  4. 4. Device signals:
    Bluetooth signals, information about nearby Wi-Fi access points, beacons and mobile phone masts.
  5. 5. Device signals:
    Information you allow us to receive through device settings that you turn on, such as access to your GPS location, files, microphone, camera or photos.
  6. 6. Device signals:
    Information such as the name of your mobile operator or ISP, language, time zone, mobile phone number, IP address, connection speed and, in some cases, information about other devices that are nearby or on your network, so we can do things such as help stream content, video or audio from your phone to your TV.
3. Information from partners

Third-party advertisers, app developers, vendors and, suppliers can send us information that they use, including Prism login, our Application Programming Interface (“API”) and Software Development Kit (“SDK”). These third parties provide information about your activities outside of Prism– including anonymous information about your device, websites you visit, purchases you make, the ads you see and how you use their services – whether or not you have an account with us or are logged into Prism. We may also receive information about your online and offline actions and purchases from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information.

Third parties may receive your Personal Information when you visit or use their services, or through third-parties that they work with.

4. How do we store and hold this information?
Prism is committed to the confidential and secure handling of your Personal Information. We maintain stringent security measures and will take reasonable steps to protect your data from unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Your Personal Information is stored within our secure internal and externally hosted infrastructure, and we consistently update and enhance our security protocols to adhere to reasonable industry standards.
5. How do we use this information?
We use the information that we collect (subject to choices you make and settings you select within Prism) as described below and to provide and support Prism.
  1. 1. Provide, personalise and improve Prism.
    We use the information that we collect to deliver the Services. We use your preferences and activities based on the Personal Information that we collect and learn from you and others (including any Personal Information with special protections you choose to provide) and how you use and interact with Prism.
  2. 2. Location-related information.
    We use location-related information – such as your current location, where you live, the places you like to go, and the businesses and people you're near – to provide, personalise and improve Prism., including ads, for you and others. Location-related information can be based on things such as precise device location (if you've allowed us to collect it), IP addresses and information from your use of Prism.
  3. 3. Product research and development.
    We use the information we collect to develop, test and improve Prism, including by conducting surveys and research, and testing and troubleshooting new products and features.
  4. 4. Ads and other sponsored content.
    We use the information we collect about you – including information about your interests and actions – to select and personalise ads, offers and other sponsored content that we show you.
  5. 5. Providing measurement, analytics and other business services.
    We use the information we collect (including your activities outside of Prism, such as the websites you visit and ads you see) to help our third-party partners to measure the effectiveness and distribution of their content, ads and services, and understand the types of Users who use their services and how Users interact with their websites, apps and services. 
  6. 6. Promoting safety, integrity and security.
    We use the information we collect to verify accounts and activity, combat harmful conduct, detect and prevent spam and other bad experiences, maintain the integrity of our product, for backup and disaster recovery purposes, and promote safety and security on and outside of Prism.
  7. 7. Communicate with you.
    We use the information that we collect to send you marketing communications, offers, invoices, payments, communicate with you about us and our third-party partners, and to let you know about our terms and policies. We also use your information to respond to you when you contact us.
  8. 8. Engaging with you.
    We use the information that we collect from the people we engage or do business with, including past, current and prospective Client, employees, contracting parties, customers and suppliers so as to perform agreements, do business, work together, fulfill or receive goods or services.
6. How is this information shared?
Your information is shared with others (including third-party partners) in the following ways:
  1. 1. Apps, websites and third-party integrations on or using Prism.
    When you choose to use third-party apps, websites or other services that use, or are integrated with Prism, they can receive information about the actions you take. When you use such third-party apps, websites or services, they can access your Public Information, and any information that you share with them. Information collected by these third parties are subject to their own terms and policies, not ours and we recommend you review these terms and policies as well.  We take no responsibility for the acts or omissions of those third parties.
  2. 2. New owner.
    If the ownership or control of all or part of Prism, or our assets change, we may lawfully transfer your information to the new owner.
  3. 3. Internally.
    When you use Prism and access our Services, we will share your Personal Information with our employees, consultants, contractors, partners, suppliers, agents and advisors who work with us for a range of purposes including to operate, deliver, protect, improve and optimise Prism and to provide you support, goods, messages, invoices, payments, reminders, technical notices, updates, security alerts, and information requested by you.
  4. 4. Sharing with third-party partners.
    We work with third-party partners who help us deliver and improve Prism and make it possible to operate our business. We impose strict restrictions on how our partners can use and disclose the Aggregated Data (as defined below) we provide, and we do not sell your Personal Information. Aggregated data is information that has been combined and anonymised to the extent that it does not identify or reveal any individual specific identifying Personal Information (“Aggregated Data”). We may share Aggregated Data with third-parties for various purposes, including analytics, research, and business insights. This shared Aggregated Data is used to provide valuable insights, statistics, and trends that help us, businesses, researchers, and our partners better understand user engagement, content performance, and audience demographics. 

    Here are the types of third-parties that we share information with:

a) Content or data partners.
We provide aggregated statistics and insights that help people and businesses understand how people are engaging with their content on and off Prism.

a) Content or data partners.
We provide aggregated statistics and insights that help people and businesses understand how people are engaging with their content on and off Prism.

b) Advertisers.
We provide advertisers with reports about the kinds of people seeing their ads and how their ads are performing, but we don't share information that personally identifies you (information such as your name or email address that by itself can be used to contact you or identifies who you are) unless you give us express permission.

c) Partners offering goods and services in Prism.
When you buy something through or in Prism, the Favorite or third-party seller can receive your Public Information and other information that you share with them, as well as the information required to complete the transaction, including shipping and contact details (which you will provide directly).

d) Researchers.
We may also provide information and content to research partners to, among other things, conduct research that advances scholarship and innovation that supports our business or mission or enhances discovery on topics such as technological advancement and innovation.

e) Law enforcement or legal requests.
We share information with law enforcement or in response to legal requests as outlined below.

7. How can I manage or delete information about me?
  1. 1. We provide you with the ability to access, rectify and delete your Personal Information unless a valid exception applies that entitles us to refuse access or deletion. 
  2. 2. There may be circumstances where we may not be able to provide you with access to all of your Personal Information or the deletion of your Personal Information. In that case, we will provide a reason as to why it cannot provide access or deletion.
  3. 3. If you request access to or deletion of your Personal Information, we may require you to verify your identity for security purposes. 
  4. 4. You are responsible for keeping your Personal Information up-to-date, accurate and complete. If you fail to do this, we may be unable to provide you with the Services or the ability to access, rectify or delete your Personal Information. You acknowledge and agree that you remain solely responsible for keeping your Personal Information up-to-date, accurate and complete. 
  5. 5. We store your Personal Information until it is no longer necessary to provide our Services, or until your Prism account is deleted, or as long as lawfully required, including for legitimate record keeping purposes. This is a case-by-case determination that depends on things such as the nature of the Personal Information, why it is collected and used, and relevant legal or operational retention needs. When you delete your account, we may delete your Personal Information and, after this time, you will not be able to recover this information. Information that others have shared about you does not form part of your account and won't be deleted. You can request to delete your account at any time by emailing us at privacy@prism.horse.
  6. 6. To learn more about accessing, rectifying or deleting your Personal Information, please contact the Prism team by the contact details at the end of this Data and Privacy Policy.
8. Links provided on Prism
  1. 1. Prism may contain links to websites and online locations operated by third-parties.
  2. 2. This Data and Privacy Policy does not cover the privacy practices of those third-parties and we recommend you review those third-party privacy policies as well.
9. How do we use this information?
We may access, preserve and share your information with regulators, law enforcement or others:
  1. 1. In response to a legal request (e.g. a search warrant, court order or subpoena) if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so. 
  2. 2. When we have a good-faith belief that it is necessary to: detect, prevent and address fraud, unauthorised use of Prism, breaches of our Terms of Use or other policies, or other harmful or illegal activity; to protect ourselves (including our rights, property or Prism), you or others, including as part of investigations or regulatory enquiries; or to prevent death or imminent bodily harm. 
  3. 3. Information that we receive about you (including transaction data related to purchases made on or via Prism) can be accessed and preserved for an extended period when it is the subject of a warranty, legal request or obligation, governmental investigation or investigations of possible violations of our terms or policies, or otherwise to prevent harm. We also retain information from accounts disabled for term breaches for at least a year to prevent repeat abuse or other term breaches.
10. How do we operate and transfer your Personal Information as part of our global services?
  1. 1. We may use your Personal Information globally, both internally within commonly owned companies, and externally with our partners around the world in accordance with this Data and Privacy Policy (including to Prism, or its subsidiaries and affiliates). 
  2. 2. Your Personal Information may, for example, be transferred or transmitted to, or stored and used in countries outside of where you live for the purposes as described in this Data and Privacy Policy. The transfer of Personal Information is necessary to provide Prism and to globally operate and provide the Services to you. Your Personal Information may be processed internally by our partners including but not limited to Keap, Intercom, Amplitude and AppsFlyer. Your Personal Information is stored in Australia.
11. Can we make changes to this Data and Privacy Policy?
We may vary this Data and Privacy Policy from time to time at our absolute discretion. Any variations will be effective at the time of updating the Data and Privacy Policy on Prism and on our website.
12. How to contact us with questions

If you have questions about this Data and Privacy Policy, or you want to access or amend your Personal Information or make a complaint, please contact our privacy team at privacy@prism.horse or via the address below:

Level 1, 170 Bridport Street
Albert Park, VIC 3141


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